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6 Ways to Manage Relationships God’s Way

Let’s have a heart-to-heart about the rollercoaster ride of relationships – the twists, turns, and unexpected moments. My heart’s been through the wringer, and I’m sure you’ve felt those curveballs too. Navigating the journey of showing God’s love while dealing with life’s unexpected moments is a shared experience.

The Prayerful Path in Relationships

So, I dived into the Bible, starting with my blog post on Navigating Relationships with Prayer. There, I stumbled upon 1 Timothy 2:1-3 – a gem that speaks volumes:

“First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

1 Timothy 2:1-3 CSB

In simple terms – God wants us to live drama-free, and it all starts with prayer. We’re talking about getting God involved in every moment, letting Him shape our hearts to match His vibe.

Wisdom for the Heart’s Sanctuary

Now, about those quick thoughts and judgments that we all have but are scared to admit – Proverbs 4:23 drops some serious wisdom:

“Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.”

Proverbs 4:23 CSB

Prayer becomes our shield, making sure any ungrounded thoughts get a reality check.

Jesus’ Blueprint for Relationship Management

And then, there’s Matthew 18:15-20 – Jesus laying down the ultimate guide to relationship management:

Matthew 18:15-20 CSB

In Matthew 18:15-20, Jesus lays out a blueprint for handling conflicts within our relationships. He encourages a private conversation first, advising to address issues directly with the person involved. If resolution proves elusive, involving a few trusted individuals can bring clarity and understanding. Setting boundaries may become necessary in certain situations, with the assurance that God is present in the process through prayer (verse 19). The emphasis is on unity and the impact of collective prayer, as Jesus promises His presence when two or three gather in His name (verse 20). These verses provide practical guidance for resolving conflicts while keeping God at the center, reinforcing the importance of unity within the Christian community.

The Dance of Unity and Peace

Life’s a constant game of unintentionally stepping on each other’s toes, right? But it’s on us to strive for unity and to chase peace with one another, especially with our fellow believers.

Relationship To-Do List:

  1. Daily Petitions: Dedicate a moment each day to infuse your relationships with the romance of prayer, seeking guidance, understanding, and peace.
  2. Heart Check: Regularly assess your thoughts with a prayerful touch, using prayer as a tool to keep your heart in the rhythm of love.
  3. Private Conversations: Embrace open, private conversations with the poise of a soirée. Seek resolution directly with the person involved.
  4. Involving Trusted Confidantes: If needed, invite a few trusted friends or family members into the ballet to provide perspective and support in resolving conflicts.
  5. Setting Chic Boundaries: Be willing to set boundaries with the elegance of a fashionista when necessary, guided by prayer and seeking the divine’s wisdom.
  6. Collective Prayer: Host a gathering with others in prayer, seeking unity, understanding, and resolution in challenging situations – a divine soiree.

In the end, life’s a constant dance, occasionally stepping on each other’s toes. But it’s our mission to strive for unity and chase peace with one another, especially with our fellow believers.

Stay grounded in God and full of grace, sis.

XOXO, Alisha

P.S. Here are my Bible and Bible Tools I use to Study the Word of God:

1 Comment

  1. Leia Hillyard
    January 28, 2024 / 8:09 pm


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