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Returning to Eden- A Place of Unhindered Spiritual Rest with God

At some point or another, every Christian finds themselves wanting to ask God “Why?” Why is there so much devastation on Earth? Why must I endure such difficult challenges? Why did You create the world in this manner? Well, if you haven’t asked yet, I surely have. And finally, I believe I’ve received an answer.

When we revisit the beginning in Genesis 1, we can sense that God, referred to as “Elohim,” was meticulously crafting everything for us. On the first day, He created light and darkness, not sourced from the sun but emanating from Him. On the second day, He established the atmosphere, separating the sky and waters so that we could breathe and live. Thirdly, He formed the dry land so out bodies can have a place to reside, and on the fourth day, He created the sun and moon. Day five saw the earth filled with animals, fish, and vegetation, providing sustenance. Then, on the sixth day, God created Adam—a being possessing body, spirit, and the life-breath of God, or what we can call the soul. He placed Adam and Eve in Eden, a place of delight, where God walked and communed with them without barriers. God designed humans to enjoy His creation, nurture it, and worship and obey His Word—this is what it means to “cultivate and keep.”

On the seventh day, God rested—not because He was fatigued but to signify a cessation of work. Having completed His creation, His aim was to provide us with a space of rest in Him, to commune and live with us unhindered. The human race was born perfect, but humans, driven by their desire for autonomy, sought to chart their own course—a narrative familiar in my own life. Thus, they were expelled from Eden, from delight, from that spiritual rest.

Consider why any of us desire children or pets. We want them to love, cherish, succeed, and experience life’s beauty. Likewise, God desired the same for us. However, just as dealing with a stubborn child requires discipline, so too does our relationship with God. The Bible provides us with rules and boundaries for the fullest life with God. Yet, like children, we often think we know better, straining our relationship with God. The entirety of the Bible is God’s pursuit of us, aiming to bring us back to Eden, back to a life of spiritual rest with Him.

So why do we endure trials? Firstly, we face an adversary, Satan, expelled from Eden, roaming the earth seeking to destroy. Yet, God has equipped us with the power, knowledge, and strategy to overcome. Secondly, consider the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to the promised land. God had to refine them in the wilderness, teaching them to live in spiritual rest, preparing them for their destination.

This revelation has brought peace to my questioning heart. In moments of uncertainty, I find solace in the understanding that ultimately, I am returning to Eden. This journey is a process—a journey back to that place of delight and rest in God.

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